Overrides entries in religion_table.csv when the Son's of Abraham DLC is enabledĭefines which CK2 titles will map to predefined EU4 tags (rather than auto-generated tags custom tags may be added in copycommoncountries and copycommoncountry_tags).ĭefines which CK2 titles (counties and duchies) map to which EU4 provinces. This file is only used if conclave is active otherwise conversion is automatic. papal_government for k_papal_state) or on a broader per-government type basis. May be defined on a per-title basis (e.g.

By default contains files for the Mongol Empire, Golden Horde, Ilkhanate and Timurids as of version 2.6.3 only the Mongol Empire has any provinces defined.Ĭontains interface files defining converter-specific sprites, such as converted religion icons.Ĭontains definitions for ship names on a per-title basis.Ĭontains files specifically for use when the Sons of Abraham DLC is activeĬontains files specifically for use when the Sunset Invasion DLC is activeĭefines the color (in decimal RGB values) what a tag will use.ĭefines which CK2 graphical cultures (see culture modding, portrait modding and cultures § list of cultures) convert to which EU4 graphical cultures (used mainly for advisor portraits and unit models).ĭefines some general settings the converter will use, such as which title to use for the HRE, what start date to use etc.ĭefines which government types should be used by converted titles. For more information on how this type of 'flag' is used in CK2, see Title modding § Pagan coats of arms.Ĭontains definitions for historical idea groups on a per-title basis.Ĭontains definitions for historical units on a per-title basis.Ĭontains lists of provinces outside of the CK2 map held by particular horde titles. For example, the file d_york is used to provide the alternative 'flag' file used by the Norse petty kingdom of Jorvik (rather than the standard 'flag' used by the Duchy of York). By default it contains a selection of alternative 'flags'/coats of arms as used by pagans (in the sub-folder norse_pagan), since the converter cannot convert arms files to flag files. As of version 2.6.3 only contains definitions for the Roman Empire ( e_roman_empire).īy default contains two sub-folders: flags and interfaceĬontains custom flags. For more information on what can be done and how see EU4 modding.Ĭontains definitions for fleet names on a per-title basis. For example, custom graphics, idea groups, map modifications, additional/modified localisation files, cultural province names, events and decisions could all be defined in here. As of version 2.6.3 only contains definitions for the Roman Empire ( e_roman_empire).Ĭontains various base files which the converter uses to generate modified ones.Īny files placed in this folder will be copied directly into the generated mod, so can be used to statically define pretty much anything in the converted game. The eu4_converter folder includes the following folders and files: Folder nameĬontains definitions for army names on a per-title basis.